woah! So long nv blog already..
So many thing i wish to post..
As usual, work all day..
doing all the same old thing again and again and again..
actually i am tired of my job now..
is not because of the people there, is because of the work, the daily routine. I have to handle calls and reply mails. Thats is the only thing i learn from my work..
What is important?
interest or money?
i will chose interest.. i want to look for a beta, interesting job.. but when i think of the colleagues there(i am refering to cmpb side).. i am really tired..
When can i get my ACCA cert? i really want to learn something which is interesting but not reply mails and handle calls..
Who don't know how to handle calls? who don't know how to reply mails?
I am dragging to work..
now have to go tower A to learn a new system.. but still handle calls and reply mails..
Anyway start school on the 2nd of july.. Hope at the end of 3.5 years, i can get ACCA cert.. but can feel that its really a tough course.. Everybody in our class seem to be very very serious.. asking question here and there.. copying almost every sentence lecturer have said. I got no question.. not because i know everything.. Was really worried for my study..